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Friday, August 26, 2011

Engineering food for whom?

Engineering food for whom?

VIDEO: Bedlam Erupts At Town Hall In Orlando As GOP Rep. Defends Ending Medicare, Tax Breaks For Rich

VIDEO: Bedlam Erupts At Town Hall In Orlando As GOP Rep. Defends Ending Medicare, Tax Breaks For Rich: pThinkProgress filed this report from a town hall in Orlando, FL. During a town hall in Orlando earlier today, Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL) faced a barrage of questions from outraged constituents about the Republican budget. The Orlando Sentinel accurately described the scene as “bedlam.” For nearly an hour, Webster was peppered with one question after [...]/p

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Right to Know: Letter Faxed to the Whole Congress re: #FUCKYOUWAS...

Our Right to Know: Letter Faxed to the Whole Congress re: #FUCKYOUWAS...: "This is a letter faxed today to the entire Congress re: #FUCKYOUWASHINGTON in case they thought this was a one sided protest. I don't care a..."

Operation BART | Know Your Meme

Operation BART | Know Your Meme

See you at #OccupyWallStreet #SEP17 and #MarchOnWashington #OCT06 #OPBART is just a preview. Carry On.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mona Kareem: Why do I find the hashtag #ThawretWeladElKalb sham...

Mona Kareem: Why do I find the hashtag #ThawretWeladElKalb sham...: "In the past 3 days, a new Arab hashtag was trending in the Arab world under the title #ThawretWeladElKalb meaning “the revolution of sons of..."